
Inventory Software for Automotive Industry

For 40 Years Peach Software has been servicing the Auto Aftermarket from Importing and manufacturing through the entire Supply chain to Retailers and Trade Workshops. Automotive is a very Specialised Industry where we find our Software to be the preferred Application to Entire Auto Parts Groups such as Parts4 – Auto1 – Autopro and their Suppliers throughout Australia. While most small business applications focus on accounting, they often fall short in stock control. Peach Software has always specialized in complex inventory management, kitting, and special pricing.


Oscar Integration

Almost everyone in the Auto Aftermarket uses the Oscar Parts Catalogue from Auto Info. We have been working with our partners at Auto Info for a number of years now and provide connections so that you can see your price and availabilty right from inside the Oscar Parts lookup screen. If you Host Peach Online or Trade Connect you can also deploy Oscar within your trade connect portal to your customers for their convenience and your benefit.


Multiple Suppliers for Each Product

Since supply chains are not infalible your main supplier may run short of stock, and so having multiple suppliers for an inventory item makes sense. Peach allows unlimited suppliers for a product and keeps track of Last Purchase Date, Price and Qty. There is even a feature to compare costs across your suppliers to keep them in check.


Stock Connect

Often rural businesses exchange stock to satisfy their customers as an order on their supplier might take days to arrive. If you’re a Retailer and have Peach Software, then it’s possible to have transparency not only within your branches and stock areas, but also with your business associates. If another business similar to yours also has peach software and permissions are provided, you can see each others stock, so next time you need to ring a neihgbour to borrow a part, Don’t ring just hit the stock connect icon in Peach Software and Check their stock online.


Supplier Connect

If you are a Retailer and have Peach Software then it’s likely you can seemlessly connect with your Suppliers who also use Peach Software. This streamlines you Pricing Updates, Price and Availability Enquiries, Purchasing and recieving saving you hours and mistakes. Supplier connect will improve the accuracy and speed of your daily tasks


Product Cross Overs & Supersessions

Similar products may be able to serve the same need for a valued customer, so while making a sale this information is just one click away to avoid a lost sale due to short stock or competitive Pricing. Look smart and informed with Peach Software.

number generator

Re-Order Level Generation

Create unlimited scenarios to Auto build your reorder levels. Choose the sample sales period, The Delivery lag and even smooth the sales in the sample period for unprecedented sales spikes. Select a Supplier and even product groups within their range according to the Delivery estimates. Save that algorithm and adjust as needed to re run purchase estimates. Now press generate Supplier order and Viola!


Dangerous Goods

If you ship dangerous goods then we have the solution. Set up your Dangerous Goods codes in Peach and When the software identifies a product in and invoice or delivery docket it will automatically generate the dangerous goods paperwork for your Courier.


Online B2B Ordering

Peach Software comes with an integrated Online Ordering system for your Account Customers. Make your business available 24/7. Customers can log in and Search for Products and avilability, Check their Account Status, Order Status and reprint their own invoices. They can even upload an order from their own software if they can export a simple Part and Qty File. Everyone wins !

Alternate part

Alternate Part Numbers

Similar products may be able to serve the same need for a valued customer, so while making a sale Product Alternates are just one click away avoiding a lost sale due to short stock or competitive Pricing. Look smart and informed with Peach Software. The next time a customer enquires about a part number of a brand you don’t carry, Peach Software can cross-reference your competitor’s part number with yours, and voila! You have a sale—without even having to sift through a supplier’s parts catalog!”

NB: This is subject to you having the cross reference data in your system.

Kits or Bill of Materials

Create a Product and add multiple inventory items to it, click save. Now you can have Peach build the Kits as you sell them or create BOM Job Cards for the warehouse to pre build them. You can also adjust Kits during a transaction if an assembly need more length or some parts are nill stock and you wish to use an alternative. From any transaction screen instantly see how many kits you can supply based on the available components.


Multiple Branches, Warehouses and Areas/Vans

With Peach Software you can have unlimited Warehouse or Inventory areas. Weather you have one or 100 Warehouses, Areas or Vans with stock, you can see availability across your entire business with a single key stroke from any transaction screen. Each warehouse you set up can be run as a separate business centre. Independent reorder levels, sales statistics, Performance reports and even bin locations. When transfering inventory between areas Peach can generate the transfer based on reorder levels or even sales demand based on local stock.



Peach Software is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Android operating systems. Additionally, Peach Mobile offers a sleek and user-friendly experience on both iPhone and Android devices.

Take your business on the road with live reporting and transaction capabilities. Contact us today to learn more!


1 Million Inventory Items plus fast Price Updates

Peach can manage a million part numbers. With a Background and Active product file you can have all your suppliers part numbers available without clogging up your active product file and price updates are a breeze with our Importer from any XL file keeping your costs up to date and your business profitable



Peach includes a Workshop Module designed around the Automotive Industry but can be and is commonly used in Businesses working on Heavy Equipment where you can create an asset, link it to a customers and keep track of work done on that asset over time.


Resource Planner & Booking Diary

Our resource planner provides a Diary where you can enter bookings, Predicted Hours and plan projects days or weeks in advance. You can input the billable hours for a day



Generate 6 price levels from Cost using Markup Codes or Discount from Retail.. Or both! Custom pricing has never been so granular yet simple. Customer net pricing, Discounts or markups based on Product groups or even Qty. Even run promotions for one, some or all your clients based on a start and finish date.


Xero Integration

Our integration with Xero through a modern API provides a cost & saving flow of information not only from Peach to Xero but back again when it comes to Customer Reciepts. This is inovative and means your counter staff while in Peach and you Accounting staff while in Xero can both process receipts without accessing each others software. This reduces errors and the cost of extra licenses while both departments have a live view of the customers balances if their permissions are set. All Sales, Purchases and Sales Receipts flow to Xero through our API.


Barcoding and Paperless Warehousing

Barcodes can be utilised from the point of reciepting right through to selling. You can even use barcodes for stocktake, picking and packing. Our paperless warehousing application is live and runs on an android platform. The functions are forever growing which now include Wave Picking and Packing. Just select the next customer order to be picked and let the device steer you through your warehouse in the best possible time adding economy even to your warehouse.


Support via Phone and Remote assist

Our Support is provided from our Head Quarters in Sydney where our software is developed. As a customer you will get to know our small support team and come to rely on them for fast and efficient service when you need it and during Australian business hours. No need to rely on Facebook or LinkedIn Group for support. When you deal with Peach Software you’re dealing with a person working shoulder to shoulder with the developers and Stakeholders.


Data Backup and Restore – Redundancy and Sandbox

Peach Software is hosted in Australia and backed up to two other locations twice a day providing the ultimate in Redundancy. You can also perform your own full data backup to any device as a fail safe and return point. Peach Also features a sandbox where you can copy your live data into and test your skills, or have your staff learn.


Data Migration and Training

Are your Ready to make the switch? If you are then we will migrate your data including balances and Sales History from your existing application into Peach Software. This is a dummy run so you can check the migration and do some training. We also give you a list of things to check and exercises to carry out to make sure when the real day comes, it’s as smooth as possible. There is no cost as the live migration is free.