Peach CRM

When a Customer Calls or visits and you quickly identify and engage them as an acquaintance, the Warm Fuzzy they get from that is priceless.

Here are a couple of hints on how you can achieve this with the right data in your software.

Unlimited Customer and Supplier Contacts

Now you can keep Track of all your Contacts in Peach Software from right inside the Customer and Supplier control screens. Even better you can select which contact gets an invoice when you make a sale or a delivery docket when the goods are on the way. Over in supplier control you can make sure your purchase orders and remittance advices go to all the right people because you can tag as many contacts as you wish to receive each transaction email. Have a look at this video for more information

C.R.M. Functionality now in Peach Software

Enter Appointments with potential Clients and notes of your previous meeting with current clients. The Calendar in Peach Software has been enhanced with some great features which make it a Useful sales tool. Entries are Time/Date Stamped and can be dragged and dropped from one day to the next. You can switch Calendar Views between Monthly and Weekly. View both Customer Marketing Notes or Simple Events. You can even enter a public event so all operators will see it on their Calendar as well. Have a look at the Video below and let us know what you think….

SMS Text Messages to Customers

You can now send SMS Messages to your customers directly from Peach Software. The message can be freehand or inserted from Customer Messages which are categorised into Workshop, Suppliers, Customers and General. Simply register for the service, enter your credentials provided by Click Send and your ready to spread the word.

1. Sending SMS Directly from… Workshop Control, Workshop Invoice and the Customer Control Screens














2. Sending Bulk SMS from the Customer browse screen meaning you can filter the recipients and send a Bulk SMS

















3. Just Click SMS on the Right Widget Bar and Follow the Prompts to set SMS up
















Download a PDF on Click Send Account Setup

Start Using the New Contacts and Marketing Features in V12 Now

The video below demonstrates how you can copy the three contacts from Supplier and Customer Control to the new marketing screens in just a few minutes. Watch the Video and if you have any questions please call us. If you want to go ahead please do a backup first or make the changes in the test area of your software first and then check the outcome. Don’t hesitate to call support if you are unsure.