Neto Integration

We are excited to release our new integration to Neto eCommerce, making online sales through multiple channels not only possible but seamlessly simple.

Step 1. Turn the Feature on in Peach and fill in your Neto Identifyer

Step 2. View your Orders from Neto within Peach V12

Step 3. Import orders

Step 4. Take a break

Yes that’s right, once set up its that simple…… more details ?

From the Task Menu, select Integration and click the Neto Icon

Open the Setup screen, fill in the details and match up the Peach v’s Neto Fields

View your Neto Online Orders from the Peach View Orders Page

Click an Order to check details and stock status

Import you Neto Orders into Peach Software

Then simply print out the Picking slips or Packing Report and Finalise the Invoices

Sign up to Neto and Setup in Peach Today to start your Online Journey

Some finer details…

Neto can Consolidate multiple other Sales Channels

Orders imported to Peach Software can be identified

Once orders are imported to Peach your Online customer receives a Status update

You can choose to import all or just some orders by line or date range

Products added directly to Neto will be added to Peach During the Import Order Process. You can set a default Group Code, Sub Group, Supplier and Code Field

Orders can be imported under Customer Code or each order can create new customer where required. You can set the default Report Code, Area, Salesman and Market Code

New Products & Status in Peach can be uploaded to Neto once Upload Fields have been matched. The Peach Part Number and the Neto Part Number can be different.