Woo Commerce & Shopify

Do Sales from my web site come in as Orders or Paid invoices ?

Sales come in only as Customer Orders at this stage, we are considering an option to bring sales in as finalised invoices


Do sales come in under one Generic Customer e.g. Shopify, WOO or Neto? or Separate Customers?

The default behaviour is to generate a new customer for each order based on the checkout information from the online store. If the same customer orders multiple times, their Orders are recorded against their own Identity. There is an option to bring Orders in as a Generic Customer as well if preferred.

How many products can be published to eCommerce sites per session?

​There isn’t actually a limit for this you can upload as much or as little as you want. That being said, there are reasons why you may want to limit this yourself:

  • In Neto, how much you pay is affected by how many products you upload and use in their service
  • Uploading more products will take longer, in Shopify especially. Neto and WooCommerce API’s are much faster than the Shopify API


How do you mark a product in Peach as wanting to be uploaded?

What gets uploaded is based on a filter, similar to how you can run a report with filters. E.g. you may want to upload products with “Price List” ticked, or with CodeField = ‘ONLINE’ or with a combination of criteria. This is very flexible.

How do I start the Sync Process?

The button to download Sales into Peach is called “Import” and the button to upload Products is called “Upload”, they are two separate processes on two different tabs of the screen. It is possible we could automate this process.

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