Lets Talk about Consignment or Branch Areas
The Label Consignment Areas originated from Clients wanting to provide consignment stock to their customers. It’s decades since its inception and has evolved a great deal. There have been many changes and improvements I’d like to summarize in this video.
Typical Uses
From a Sales Rep with sample stock to Vans with Sales stock. Customers with Consignment stock through to Overflow warehouses and Fully functioning Warehouses.
All reports can now be filtered by Consignment areas including both Product and Stock reports and Transaction Reports. While on the road our Peach Mobile can check and email the client a list of their existing Consignment stock. The Trading Summary as well as Sales and usage graphs can also reflect each Area’s statistics or a consolidated view.
When a User is created, The Local Warehouse area selection in the Setup Users screen determines the default area for the user. All Sales & Purchase transactions, Stock Levels, bin locations etc default to that area. This area can be changed by the admin user. When a user is set to an area the admin has the option of locking them to that area or allowing them to switch areas as and if required. Admin can also limit their view to only customers belonging to the same area.
Transferring products from one branch to another can be done in one easy transaction. You also have the option of a more detailed 3 step process process. Order From Warehouse B to warehouse A, Transfer from Warehouse A to In Transit area, Receipt from Transit Area into Warehouse B.
Customer Consignment Stock
If you want to give your customer stock on consignment then its very simple using Peach V12. After a quick setup from Peach Support, Managing your Customer Consignment areas is simple. Once setup you can control and monitor your stock, always knowing where it is in case you need to transfer it back.
As there are several scenarios for Consignment Areas some different settings may be required. Below are some variations… In the images below
Re the image above…
Area can be 6 Characters long and should not be changed once transactions have been made from that area
Only areas which you will be doing transactions from require transaction counters
The Transit area accounts for stock which is between areas during transfers
When transactions are posted to the General Ledger they can have a suffix attached to post the transaction to a Child/Sub account
Transferring Stock between Areas
Our branch transfer screen makes moving products from one area to another very intuitive and simple. The transfer screen also has the logic to be able to generate the transfer with product qty’s based on the re-order levels of the receiving branch or Replace sales. Very handy for restocking a van before it hits the road again. When transferring stock between branches you can generate a Request, Set the stock as In Transit or go straight to the finalise. Regardless you will always know where the stock is.
Bin Locations
Each Area can have its own Multi Bin Locations so that weather the area is a fully operating warehouse, or a fully stocked van, locating and re-stocking is simple.
Re-order levels
Each Area can have its own Minimum and Maximum re-order levels which can be regenerated as needed based on the product movements of its own area. Vans can generate a transfer order and Warehouses can generate a Transfer or purchase order based on their own sales.
From every screen in Peach, viewing the stock available in other branches is at most one click away and sometimes not even that. When in Product Control you can switch between Areas to view product statistics or switch to a consolidated view which displays the sales, purchase, and Profits statistics across all Areas. Area display their own In Stock Qty, Outstanding Customer Orders, Outstanding Supplier and Transfer Orders, and the resulting Available Qty.
On the Go
All the great features of Peach Mobile, including the user restrictions are compatible with the Consignment area system. It provides full functionality while on the road and in front of the customer.
While users Credentials are set to default to their particular area, During the sales process any operator with permissions is able to switch between their own and any other area in keeping with the typical flexibility of Peach Software
In the Kitting setup options you can have the software build kits during a transfer or only during the sales process.
New Customers
Depending on your settings, when a new customer is set up the system can create a new Consignment area for that customer on the fly. Some of our clients are running with Hundreds or Consignment areas
Peach Online – Trade Connect Visibility
From within our B2B Portal you can limit the clients view to just their local warehouse area or consolidated. You can even allow them to browse other areas if needed. From their online view they will only see the areas you have selected as being visible to your online clients.