Alternate products

Is a powerful feature and one of the main strengths of Peach Software. With it you can buy products from multiple Suppliers, Compare purchase prices and store history even if you stock them as the same part and record crossovers without having to create new parts in the System. Read on to understand the different ways Alternate Products can work for your business.

Summary – Alternate Products which suit similar Applications but Purchased, Stocked and Sold as different products

Example: You have 2 filters which suite the same application, One of a Premium Quality or Brand and the other a Generic Brand. When customers enquire you would like to offer both options. Maybe one is a Brand people specifically ask for or the Quality is Vastly different. In the diagram below you can see each option exists in the stock file but they are referenced against each other. When you type the product into a transaction you are offered both and can select either.

Summary – A way of recording OEM Codes and Alternate Product Brand Codes to identify and find your Product

An alternate Product Code and / or Barcode can be attached to a Primary (Main) Product Code in the Alternate F7 screen as shown below, similar to an Alternate supplier, but without the extra details. Once you record an Alternate line in the F7 Alternate Products screen From then on…

1. You can find the part by the Alternate Product Code

3. If you scan the Alternate barcode your part number will load

Example below:

A customer calls and asks for a WZ9, when your staff type in WZ9 your own Product Z9
loads into the sales screen.

When a customer brings a 1980106 to the counter and your staff scans it, your own Product
Z9 loads in the sales screen.

The main use of this feature is where you Stock a Product in one brand but a customer enquires about the same part using another Brand part number.
In this instance You can quickly identify the part number you sell it by. As with Alternate Suppliers there is no need to have the other product in your stock file.

Alternate Products Summary – Equivalent Products with Multiple Suppliers – Purchased, Stocked and Sold as the Same product

When you have more than one supplier for a product, you need a way of recording the details of that suppliers Product Code & Barcode against your Primary (Main) Product so you can reorder from them.
An example would be a Common Oil Filter where you may have 3-4 suppliers, each with their own part number and barcode.

Here you can see in the product control screen the option “F7”
opens the Alternate products screen. Each time you purchase a Z9
off a new supplier, a line is created here to record the purchase with the
suppliers part number, barcode, price, Invoice Number and Date Purchased.

once this data exists…

1. You can find the part by the suppliers Product Code

2. When you order from that supplier their part number will be on the purchase order

3. If you scan the suppliers barcode your Main part number will load

Example below:

A customer calls and asks for a WZ9, when your staff type in WZ9 your own Product Z9
loads into the sales screen.

When a customer brings a 1980106 to the counter and your staff scans it, your own Product
Z9 loads in the sales screen

When you order Z9’s from Supplier 014, Item 1980106 is printed on the Purchase order with the last price you paid for it from that supplier.

Its important to note that there is no need for the alternate parts WZ9 or 1980106 to exist as products in your file thus minimising impact on a tidy stock file.

Watch the Whole Video

A couple of new keyboard Shortcuts and new ways to invoke your Alternate Products.


New Feature – Check it out
Information is only valuable when it’s easy to find and available when and where you need it…

We’ve added a new screen which is available at the click of your mouse from any transaction screen in Peach Software. This new screen not only has more information about available Alternate Products and Part Numbers but also the Stock Qty and Pricing. It’s also a floating screen so you can leave it open and the information will refresh based on the line in the transaction you focus on. Invaluable from Sales or ordering screens. Check out this video for some great examples of how this can help your day to day operation.

Generate Supplier Orders using an Alternate Supplier

Up until now, generating Supplier orders using reorder levels, Sales in a date range or Replace Customer Orders, you could only includes products with the tagged Preferred or Second Preferred Supplier. Now you can use any one of your alternate suppliers as the trigger as well. Additionally not all your suppliers might provide the product in the same pack size. So we have also included a UnitQty entry unique to each Supplier in the F7 Alternate Supplier area. Hope you enjoy